Scone High School

Age Bene Partem - Play Your Part Well

Telephone02 6545 1455

Beef Bonanza

Beef Bonanza

Scone High School has had another great weekend at the Upper Hunter Beef Bonanza.

All students worked very hard and did an amazing job at preparing and presenting the steers that they had spent the last 4 months breaking in. Every single one of them should be very proud of their efforts. They did their school proud and each played their parts well.

The steers were also on their best behaviour and were all a credit to the family's that bred them.

It was also fantastic to once again work with a great bunch of students from Scone Public School. The students attended weekly sessions at our school where they worked on their steer handling techniques and getting to know the ins and outs of cattle showing from our students and teachers. It was a pleasure having them at our school and they were all an asset to our cattle show team throughout the weekend.

A huge thank you must go to our steer leading team sponsors who all make this experience possible for our kids. These include BW and MM Brooker, Welldun Partnership, Ripley Partnership and C and R Stephens.

A big thanks must also go to the Upper Hunter Beef Bonanza Show committee for putting on such a great show.

We will now be heading back to school to hang some new ribbons on the wall and begin preparing for the next cattle show.